Monticello Live

Monticello's Daily News

Edward Jones Mainline Health Systems
Arkansas Hospice Baptist Health Medical Center Drew County







City Drug

City Drug


UAM News

UAM News

UAM Sports

UAM Sports

Monticello Exxon

Monticello Exxon

AM Rental & Sales

AM Rental & Sales

Searcy & Associates

Searcy & Associates

State Farm Mark Gray

Delta Memorial Swing Bed_B

Delta Memorial

Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

Monticello Realty

Monticello Realty

O’Fallon Vet

0'Fallon Vet

Secure Storage 2

Bradley County Medical Center

Commercial Bank

Dallas County Medical Center_B

Dallas County Medical Center'

Head of the Class

Pines Broadcasting Company

Pines Broadcasting Company

Monticello Animal Clinic

Monticello Animal Clinic

ESA Staffing 2


Be A Weevil





One 11 Southern Graphics 1

ONE11 Southern Graphics

Cass Martin Realty

Cass Martin Realty

Delta Memorial Swing Bed_A

Delta Memorial

Mingo Computer Consulting

Mingo Computer Consulting

Advertise With Monticello Live

Dallas County Medical Center_A

Dallas County Medical Center'

Prescription Pad Pharmacy

The Prescription Pad Pharmacy

War Eagle Boats

Farmer’s Insurance Two

One 11 Southern Graphics 2

ONE11 Southern Graphics

Author Archive

Acts 1:8 Missions Experience One Day Monticello, Saturday Oct. 7th, 10am-3pm

Friday, October 6th, 2023

OneDay2023MonticelloOne Day Acts 1:8 Missions Experience will be partnering with local churches to spend five hours on Saturday October 7th serving in a variety of ministries.  All for Free!  Different events will be taking place in Monticello, Warren, Heritage, Star City, Dermott, McGehee, and Hamburg.  Including a Free Medical – Dental Clinic from 8am-3pm at First Baptist in Monticello.

Click Here For More Information.

Keepers Of The Kingdom VBS, Shady Grove Baptist Church

Thursday, June 8th, 2023

KeepersOfTheKingdomVBSLogoKeepers of the Kingdom
June 11-15, 2023 | 6:00 PM – 8:15 PM
Pre-K – 5th Grade Completed

Hear ye, hear ye! Welcome, Keepers of the Kingdom!

We are engaged in an epic battle between two spiritual kingdoms for the hearts and minds of our youth. Every day, our kids are bombarded with lies about who they are and where their salvation comes from.

But we are not meant to fight this battle alone! God, the ruler of the good kingdom, has given his kingdom keepers spiritual armor to wear. With this VBS, your kids will learn how they can be part of God’s kingdom through salvation in his Son. And they will be equipped with the armor of God as they train to become Keepers of the Kingdom who stand strong in the battle for truth! Huzzah!

One Day Vacation Bible School At Faith Missionary Baptist June 10th

Friday, June 2nd, 2023

FaithMissionaryBaptistChurchVBS2023Faith Missionary Baptist Church will be having a 1 Day VBS Camp on June 10th from 830 AM-3 PM. We will provide breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. We would love to have any kiddo up to 5th grade attend and learn about Jesus’ love. It’s going to be a great day!!

111 Faith Lane (off of Rosehill Cut-off Road)

Greenhill Community Baptist Church VBS, June 4th-9th, 5:30-8:00, Meal provided, Closing at 6:00 on the 9th

Thursday, May 25th, 2023

GreenHill Baptist VBSWe are engaged in an epic battle for the hearts and minds of our youth. Every day, they’re bombarded with lies about who they are, who their Creator is, and where their salvation comes from. Thankfully, God has given his children armor to wear in this battle between truth and lies, light and darkness, good and evil.

With this VBS, your kids will learn how they can be part of God’s kingdom through salvation in his Son and will be equipped with the armor of God to become Keepers of the Kingdom and stand strong in today’s battle for truth.

Citizen’s Bank 1

Citizen's Bank

BCMC Family Care Clinic 1

Malco Theater 1

Farm Bureau

Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

UAM Trotter House B

UAM Trotter House

Union Bank 2

Immanuel Baptist Church

ESA Staffing

BCMC Family Care Clinic 2

Drew Farm

Burgess Process Service

Burgess Process Service

Baker’s Electrical

Baker's Supply

Quality Plus Dry Cleaners

Quality Plus Dry Cleaners

Malco Theater 2

Union Bank 1

La Terraza

Mullis Insurance

Sammy Mullis Insurance


Be A Weevil

Small Bites Pediatric Dentist

Farmer’s Insurance One

Citizen’s Bank 2

Citizen's Bank

Seark Motorsports

Seark Motorsports

Bone’s Auto Parts

Bone's Auto Parts


UAM Trotter House A

UAM Trotter House

A.J. Huffman Graphic Design

Frazer’s Funeral Home

Frazer's Funeral Home Warren

Depaul Community Health Centers

South Arkansas Business Solutions

Searcy & Associates 2

Searcy & Associates

AGUp Equipment