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Local Church Musician Sentenced to 24 Years for EZ-Mart Robbery

July 5th, 2011 by

Melvin LaRon James was sentenced by a Drew County Circuit Court jury Friday to serve 24 years for the robbery of EZ Mart, on the corner of Gaines and Hyatt Street, April 20.

During the trial, James testified that he had gone into EZ-Mart that night; purchased a cigarette lighter; and paid the clerk $2.00.  When the clerk opened the cash drawer, James reached into the drawer and grabbed the money out of it.

The clerk testified that when he grabbed James arm, James told him, “I won’t all of it.   Don’t make me shoot you.”  James denied having said this.  (A gun doesn’t have to be shown to qualify as aggravated robbery a weapon’s implied presence is enough to qualify for that level of crime.)

James is a church musician, playing keyboard, and has the church’s permission to use the church van for personal use.

James admitted he was addicted to crack cocaine, and has had drug problems for 22 years. $154.41 was taken during the robbery, $140 of that was spent on crack cocaine that night, before James was arrested.

One issue that developed during the one-day trial, related to a videotape of the robbery, which was not presented by the prosecution or the defense.  Judge Bynum Gibson told the attorneys “rarely do I intervene, but we have a situation here.  It (the video) has got to favor one or the other of you.”    Still, neither attorney introduced the video as evidence. (Possibly the video wasn’t played because  it did not have audio to confirm any statements that were made.)

Another interesting fact considered during the case was that after the jury was selected, James attorney requested one of the jurors be removed.  During a brief recess, James’ family told the attorney that they recognized one of the jurors as a former supervisor of James, from 1996, when he worked as a McDonald’s restaurant manager and was accused of stealing a bank deposit.  Judge Gibson did not rule at the time this was brought up, but took it under advisement.  When the jury went into deliberation at the end of the trial, that juror was chosen to serve as the alternate juror and was not part of any deliberation.

At the end of the day the jury found James guilty of robbery, not aggravated robbery, and sentenced him to serve 24 years, and another five years for using the church van as a getaway car, on the charge of “unauthorized use of another’s property to facilitate a crime”. 

The charges will run concurrently.

$100,000 Bond Set for Church Musician (with Bank Robbery History) Arrested for Armed Robbery at EZ-Mart North
April 21, 2011    local church musician, who has served time in prison on state and federal charges for robbery of a Pulaski County bank in 1996, received a $100,000 bond from district court Judge Ken Harper, this morning, after the man was arrested for an armed robbery which occurred at EZ-Mart North, located on Hyatt Street, between Gaines and McCloy Streets.  Monticello Police dispatch received a phone call at 1:07 this (Wednesday) morning reporting the crime, where  Melvin Laron James, age 46, of South Conley Street, allegedly robbed the convenience store’s clerk, before fleeing on foot, running north.
A church van was seen in the EZ-Mart area prior to the crime.
James, who admitted to having “drug issues” is facing charges of  aggravated robbery and theft of property.
After being advised of his right to remain silent, James pointed out to the judge and officers present, “I didn’t even have a gun.”
The charge of aggravated robbery doesn’t require a gun to be used in a crime, just an “allegation of a threat,” as Judge Harper responded.
James is being held in the Drew County Detention Facility on a $100,000 bond.

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57 Responses to “Local Church Musician Sentenced to 24 Years for EZ-Mart Robbery”

  1. Grizzly says:

    Good work Momticello P.D.

  2. SHARI says:


  3. GRANMAW says:

    That is some fast work!! GREAT JOB!!!

  4. alisa adams says:

    I just want to say good job Monticello Police Department. These type of people don’t need to be on the streets. I hope no one was hurt.

  5. grandpa says:

    Why was this person even on the streets with all he has done. Slap him on the hand again and let him go, so he can do it again and kill someone.

  6. LaTanyaHarden says:

    Everyone who commit robbery without a gun is not gonna kill anyone. The problem is the community who always look the other way when the church musician has a drug problem. most of you people will never understand this that why he was caught so fast he wasn’t a real criminal.

  7. Aaron Kulbeth says:

    They should just let him go. I’m sure it was just a big misunderstanding. He never meant to hurt anyone. He probably just went in to buy something and forgot he was carrying his gun.

  8. Sue says:

    The cops got him fast.

  9. citizen says:

    Praying time!!!!

  10. sharon wilkins says:

    Lets just pray for him because he really is a beautiful perso inside ith a problem. We all have faults and only God can help us and be our judge.

  11. leroy says:

    latanya he’s not a real criminal.he’s already been in prison 1 time for robery of a for real.then used a church van to go to rob someone.think of damage he caused the person getting robbed.

  12. Tax Payer says:

    His problem is that he is a thief and criminal. Throw away the key!

  13. kenna johnson says:

    I didn’t read where he had a gun Aaron. He has a drug problem, was probably high. Sounds like he needs help to me.

  14. Ms. Tee says:

    I have known many individuals with drug problems. I have seen what the Arkansas Rehab programs are about. Our rehabs have helped a few here and there but for the most part, they go back to the drug and or alcohol usage. We need a better answer for our rehabs so that we can give real help. Unless you have worked in one or been through the program then you do not know how much of a change that is needed. I could write a book on Arkansas Rehabilitation and so called dual diagnoses programs. We need better programs for people who have addictions. I know there is not a simple answer to any of this. What I do know is that when an addict craves their drug of choice they will take desperate measures to get it.

  15. Praying Lady says:

    We must understand that this is a spirit that has a strong hold on not only him but so many others. Locking him up is not the answer, he amitted he has a drug problem so he’s crying put for help. Melvin is a good person with a problem. “He that is without sin let him cast the 1st stone”

  16. Dip Net says:

    So if you have a “drug problem” you ain’t no “real criminal”??? Yea, he needs help alright!

  17. April says:

    I am very familiar with this person and I will make my comment and not turn back to this article because I know it will be taken out of context! Melvin in NOT a bad guy! He does have a bad problem! No one can understand what he is goin thru! People are so quick to judge a drug addict but what have you yourself done to help…..NOTHING!!! All of us profess to be Christians and as a Christian God wants us to bring souls to Him!!! Yes Melvin has made a very bad mistake and yes he will have to own up to his actions but he could and would not ever harm anyone had he not had this poison in his body!! We are do quick to kick a person when they are down instead of extending a hand to help them up! As for the church overlooking this it wasnt overlooked but after it just wasn’t properly followed up after rehab! Anyone can maintain but To get to the root of this problem the main issue is to sustain from the ones who dont want the help whether it family or longtime friends! I will stand on this MELVIN is a very talented musician and has set platforms thru out this community!!! I pray that he will rehabilitate inside and out so his musical talent will be able to soar!!!!! Only God can judge him!

  18. Close says:

    I’m going to say this and leave this alone…but ok, this is just too much…I understand that the clerk must’ve been scared but this guy didn’t have a gun nor did he do any physical damage to the clerk. I said that to ask this, is a $100,000 bond necessary??? He didn’t kill or hurt anyone but himself. He has done time before but that is over!!! Do any of you have a drug problem? Do you know the burden of having an addiction and wanting to do right? As a matter of fact, just today, have you sinned??? No sin is greater than the others!!! And why are we congratulating Monticello P.D.??? At least wait till they have done something great, geezzzz!!!! He is not a REAL criminal!!!! He is a family oriented man who loves children, family, and friends!!! He was just caught up with this problem, which causes not only him but other people to do crazy things. Help him instead of beating him while he’s down, locking him up is goin to solve this! As of right now all the family can do is pray and may God be with you all!!! I love y’all!!!

  19. Friend of the Family says:

    Ok, this is just too much…I understand that the clerk must’ve been scared but this guy didn’t have a gun nor did he do any physical damage to the clerk. I said that to ask this, is a $100,000 bond necessary??? He didn’t kill or hurt anyone but himself. He has done time before but that is over!!! Do any of you have a drug problem? Do you know the burden of having an addiction and wanting to do right? As a matter of fact, just today, have you sinned??? No sin is greater than the others!!! And why are we congratulating Monticello P.D.??? At least wait till they have done something great, geezzzz!!!! He is not a REAL criminal!!!! He is a family oriented man who loves children, family, and friends!!! He was just caught up with this problem, which causes not only him but other people to do crazy things. As of right now all the family can do is pray and may God be with you all!!! I love y’all!!!

  20. wow be real!!! says:

    MY GOD SAID THOU SHALL NOT STEAL!!!!! HE can play in the cummings prison band.

    He didn’t harm the clerk, BUT HE THREATENED TO.

    If someone will rob a store at 1 am, and threaten to hurt someone, I would be scared of them!!

  21. Nana says:

    I know God is the ultimate judge, but we, on this earth, have laws to go by. We have human judges and juries to give people earthly punishment. If we proclaim that only God can judge, then we should just wipe every law of the land off the books, close the prisons and wait for God to handle criminals later on in the afterlife. It doesn’t work that way. Sorry, but the man has robbed a bank and now a business…and he HAS hurt someone…he hurt the bank, the business, and the people who worked there. I’m assuming he’s an addict, but that cannot excuse his abuse of other people because he’s additcted. These people are working and trying to make a living, they have a right to not be terrified. If he has this wonderful talent, it is a shame that he has not honored this God given talent. I’m sorry that he has willingly picked up a habit that forces him to prey on other people. It’s little comfort to the victims that he has “issues”..I agree that his talent should soar…He can use in musical abilities in the prison church services; also at least one prison around here has a good band…they would welcome his talents.

  22. steve says:

    blame it on drugs, say he is a great guy!
    bank robbery,aggravated robbery what next?
    yes he is someones baby and so is the person he robbed.
    blame everything except the man.
    god has given all of us the ability to know right from wrong how we use it is our own choice so stop making excuses for him.

  23. Wilmar Lady says:

    I’m sure melvin knew he had a problem b4 he tried 2 rob a store. Did he cry 4 help prior 2 this dumb act??? I’m sure not. People use drug problems as an excuse after the fact. U kno u got a problem, go get or ask 4 help. He was wrong. The bible says NO sin is greater than the other. No matter how small or the excuse. He was WRONG so don’t butter da situation up. The guy N dermott that killed his kids he got a problem 2. he need help 2. What U thnk he don’t need 2 B locked up??? NO SIN is GREATER than the other.

  24. Dip Net says:

    Just luck that he didn’t have a gun and use it. As a felon it would have been illegal for him to own one. As a drug addict he probably would have pawned it first to buy drugs with. I can’t believe someone stated that he got caught because he wasn’t a “real criminal”…..You have got to be kidding!!! Kudo’s to our excellent police department in Monticello for swift action.

  25. Seriously says:

    This is what is wrong with this country today. I understand he had a problem but when are “we” (the USA) going to hold people responsible for their actions and quit blaming everything around them. He made a choice whether bad or good. Not all people who do this kind of thing are bad people just making poor choices.

  26. The Bottom Line says:

    The bottom line is, good or bad person, we all suffer the consequences of our actions. The difference is written in God’s word. You can’t butter the incident up nor can it be used as a time for people bashing,…lest you find yourself in the same situation. Just know that it is and always will be praying time for all of our issues. Both are victims, one chooses to be, the other didn’t. I pray that Melvin will repent for his action and the stronghold of the habit and the desire for the drugs is destroy by the power of God and I pray that the store clerk is delivered from any fear his actions may have caused as well as find forgiveness in their hearts by the blood of Jesus Christ. AMEN!

  27. Tired of Bull says:

    Yes he is a drug addit all the more reasone to lock him up. He has already been to prison and knows right from wrong AND if he is getting what he is going to church foe he knowns the commandents so YES lock him up and throw away the key this time before the crime does kill. And you people saying you are a close friend why didn’t you help the drug adit OOOH he had to rob someone first PLEASE.

  28. Tired of Bull says:

    For friend of family where do you get not a real criminal come on he’s been tp prison for robery and now he goes and robs another again–must not have learned the first time so maybe he needs more time this time.
    And we need to think about the person he robbed and their family, that’s who needs our prayers. This person is working a crapy job just to get by, but they are working not stelling from someone. SO he can play in the prison band at least their he won’t be on drugs and taking stuff that’s not his. Thanks police department for your good job. Now lets see the judge do a good job.

  29. Sydney says:

    I agree that we should have better rehab programs in place but it really doesn’t matter how sophisticated a program is if the person is unwilling to change and better themselves. The person has to WANT to change then take action to MAKE the change. No one else can do it for him. And yes, he’s still a “real” criminal.

  30. sue says:

    Bet you wouldn’t be takeing up for him if he robbed you !!

  31. Gib says:

    I agree those of you who have said “great job” to the Monticello Police Department. Another criminal was caught. Regardless of his so called “problem”, he committed yet another crime and should be punished for his actions. I am suprised that there are so many people who take up for someone and make excuses for people. I guess we should excuse all murderers, rapists, pedophiles, etc. from their crimes because they too have “problems”. Drugs are a growing epidemic everywhere but no one forced him to take the drugs and no one forced him to rob a bank or a convenience store. The Bible does say “do not judge”, but is also says “do not steal”! Let’s quit justifying crimes with scripture. I have a hard time believing that his actions should be accepted and condoned.

  32. Seriously? says:

    For those who say Melvin isn’t a “real criminal”……

    Definition of criminal: A person who has committed a crime.

    Definition of crime: An action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.

    And for those who like to look only at the parts of the Bible that suit their purpose:

    Romans 13:1-5 (NIV)
    Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

  33. Guys, he has to be held accountable for his crime. You say that he didn’t have a gun and he didn’t hurt anyone. Have you thought of the emotional and psychological harm he has done to the clerk. I understand that he has a drug problem, this gives him no right to commit crimes.

  34. grandpa says:

    Let me have him for 5 mins. and I will reform him from his drug and robbing problems. You bleeding heart people for him him, take him home with you.

  35. D George says:

    His crime is being stupid, but then that is how most of them get caught. Drug addition and alcohol use are no defense for criminal acts. Plead guilty tomorrow and start doing his time is the best thing for him to do.

  36. Doug Knight says:

    Thank you “Seriously” for clarifying, I think you have said all that needs to be said.

  37. concerned citizen says:

    Everyone has a right to state how they feel, so 1st of all get out of your feelings, why even go on this page if you can’t handle the comments because their is freedom of speech or did you forget about that? Yes Melvin is a very good person and yes so many has done wrong but Sin is Sin. There is no Sin little or greater than the other. What we all must do is “PRAY”, it is so much going on in the world today. Someone made the statement about Christians talking about people’s are you claiming to be a Christian and have you ever talked about someone? Talking is something that no one can never STOP in this world so let it go and let GOD handle it. Nobody is looking down on him but we can’t change things for him. We can’t blame nobody else and stop watching and thinking that everybody is talking about Melvin and start praying about Melvin. If you knew he had this problem “way before now” did you step FORWARD and HELP him? no but JESUS would have so how much CHRIST do you really have in you? Who is “JUDGING” who?

  38. recap says:

    Yes Melvin was wrong for what he done, but it didn’t have to be an 100,000 bond set for him.
    Lets pray for him and his family has well,everybody need prayer don’t discriminate!!!!!. Melvin mother is hurt from this as well as the clerk, your child going to prision for a long time and still not being able to get the help he really need to get off the drug. You people have to realize that getting off any addiction is very hard if you not ready to let it go. When you see these people on the street you turn the other cheek like they don’t exist in this world, when people have a drug problem they are mentally weak!!!!!

  39. MRS CONCREN says:


  40. Young lady says:

    What about us young kids who stay along.. What if he wanted to robbed a house…. We wouldn’t know what to do so it good they got him

  41. concerned friend says:

    since we have freedom of speech, I don’t think anyone is saying he shouldn’t be held accountable for his actions. For those of you who don’t know, he did ask for help for his addiction and has tried several times. Unfortunately, drug addictions like these aren’t healed overnight, you can’t take a pill or do an exercise and poof its gone. Until you’ve dealt with it in your family and been through the ups and downs of it, I don’t think you can truly understand. It is sad that his addiction has caused him to make some bad decisions in life that have hurt other people. He will have to take responsibility for those actions. The lesson we should learn from this, is to help others in our community that struggle with addictions. We should revamp our rehab systems and ensure they have quality follow up programs for resources when they are burdened the most. Often times they feel like they can’t talk to friends or family in fear they may not understand. And as far as the MPD goes, give me a break, the crime rate there as soared over the last 10 years. I don’t see anyone of you concerned citizens out there educating youth or trying to do something about the violence there. Ofcourse, they caught Melvin he was standing right out in the open. At the time, he didn’t have the mental capacity to even hide.

  42. Mh says:

    For those of you that are taking up for him… Come on! $100,000 bond is enough to ensure he won’t get out and do this to someone else. Being an addict is a decision not a disease. Apparantly he didn’t want to stop. I’m sure being an active member of his church, he could’ve got help. There is no excuse for what he did. He needs the maximum punishment, this ain’t his first time.

  43. Nana says:

    $100,000 bond is too much? Am I mistaken or does that REALLY amount to $10,000 cash? I say all of those who feel sorry for him need to pool your money and bail him out…Put your money where your mouth is. Or maybe you could put up land, your home or whatever it takes to help the poor fellow. Do not discriminate. Put your money where your sympathy is…he is simply a talented, misunderstood drug addict who needed money for a fix. Let’s not leave him in jail long enough to kick the habit, now. Of course I feel sorry for his mother–I imagine if he’d listened to his mother, and the other people in his life who wanted him to do well, he wouldn’t be in this mess. Show your sympathy to his mother and the rest of the family by putting up some money…I think it would be wonderful thing if his congregation bailed him out…The clerk or clerks who were robbed didn’t know he was just a church going good guy who lied about having a gun. Somebody tells you that he has a weapon and you’d better hand over the money, you tend to believe him. It’s totally real…they don’t know he’s a liar as well as a robber and former bank robber who’s already served time. Bail him out! Put your money on the line…this guy needs help. So help him, already!
    What does it take any more for people to deserve being locked up. If he’d been home in the bed like most folks are at that hour instead of out prowling, trying to find a defenseless victim to scare, he wouldn’t be sitting in jail. Oh, and it was nice of the church to provide him with a van to stake out the place. Every criminal has a “problem”, or an “issue”….The BTK serial killer was a wonderful family man, pillar of the community, president of his congregation–he just had a few “issues”…he had an addiction to killing innocent folks in their home…and using the church computer to send bragging emails about it. He was a truly wonderful man…he just had this nasty little habit he couldn’t kick…So bail him out…just make you stay awake and watch him 24/7.

  44. Nana says:

    I just HAVE to add something else. I have a brother who was addicted for many years…to the point that he thought somebody was spying on him from the attic…He quit one day, cold turkey…he put down the dope and picked up the Bible. He didn’t do it through re-hab. He did it through want-to. And he was not surrounded by good Christians…his friends were dopers.
    But in all the years he was addicted–he hocked everything he had, he spent all he made on dope…it was awful. BUT he did not steal for it. People did not have to hide their billfolds, their loose change, or any of their possessions. If you laid a $20 bill on the table, you could leave him in the house all day long and that $20 would still be there when you came back. He fed his own addiction with his money and his possessions but he did not expect others to do so. And he certainly did not roam at night targeting and terrifying folks who’re standing on their feet all night trying to make a living. Perhaps Melvin should have got himself an extra job to help support his habit…

  45. Tired of Bull says:

    Okay you people keep saying you know him so well then you knew he had a drug problem, why didn’t you do something, and if he is in church like you say how did they not know about his drug problem to let him drive around in a church van.COME the drug problem is only a problem now that he got cought.

  46. justlovinlife says:

    I do applaud the Monticello Police Department because they removed another criminal from our streets! As far as his poor mother, I do have sympathy for her but apparently he had no consideration for her or he wouldn’t be stealing and robbing innocent people!! I think the bond is very fair because there is no doubt that he is a repeat offender! I guess we are supposed to let him out again so he can rob someone else! It amazes me the justifications that people have for his actions!!!! Give me a break!!!

  47. April says:

    @ mrs. Concern yes I have done something!!! My aunt was a mentor to Mr. Melvin for the last 4 yrs. That was her outreach Ministry well my aunt passed away in October and since then it’s been hard for him! Now I’m not making excuses for anyone but what I don’t understand is how can people call themselves Childs of God! it commandment that states thou shall not
    steal….But who wrote these commandments God not man and yes we have laws that we must obide by and Earth but when you really don’t. know all the facts and them behind the scene details it’s easy to judge! So what am I doing MRS. CONCERN I’m not making a mockery out of this incident and pray that we spend just as much time pursuing the dealers as we do the users!!! Also I report all illegal activity in my neighborhood I don’t care who it is!!! So if we all stop addressing people who has an comment and dig deeper to the root of the matter and stop playing God this world no MONTICELLO would be a better place to live!!!!!!

  48. Enough Already says:

    Do the crime! Pay the time! NO matter what state or mental state we are in. Yes, Melvin needs prayer,as do all addicts,robbers,et cetera. However, we still all have to be accountable for our actions. There’s no need to try to justify anything nor put down anyone.We cannot cast any stones in any diection. God is the great judge. Be careful who you judge,one day you may need to be before the ‘mercy seat’ of God.

  49. Dip Net says:

    Isn’t it amazing how the liberals start bible thumping and preaching forgiveness when one of their buddies commits a felony?? Playing the sympathy card on innocent and charitable Christians. This guy is a loose cannonball and needs to be put back in the pen for a long time.

  50. Nana says:

    Dip Net–how has this become a way to slam liberals. Liberals can be hard line when it comes to crime…Don’t know why you’ve made this a broader political agenda…Some people who are defending him may never have voted in their lives…Conservatives are not the only ones who like law and order…liberal progressives can do so as well. I’ve posted numerous times on Monticello Live, and in no instance have I ever been anything but hard line when it comes to criminal behavior. The problem is that some individuals find it hard to believe that someone they know, like and care for needs to be locked up–they want to find a way to soften the crime…to make the perpetrator less culpable. I suppose it’s human nature…very common among friends and families of perpetrators…I’ve known of men who’ve pled guilty to murder, but the families still have excuses. He pled guilty because the real killer threatened his family…even though he described every detail of the crime…They like to turn this person into a hero rather than admit he is a criminal and right where he belongs…They are deluded…

  51. Dip Net says:

    I was really thinking of “liberal” in the context of issues such as lifestyle, drug use, ect. And I was thinking how identifiable and widely separate the comments had been with respect to the thinking of “drug use is a social problem” versus “drug use is a criminal problem”. One says turn him loose and get him rehabilitated because he “isn’t a real criminal” and the other says to lock him up and remove that potential criminal threat from our families and loved ones. I just don’t want one of my family members to be the next person he robs at gunpoint. (And not having a gun but saying you do during a robbery is to me THE SAME THING). I realize the undertonement (both pos and neg) conveyed by the word “liberal” and I should have used another word; didn’t mean to stir up the lib progs! :( I should have substituted the term “soft on crime pro-drug bleeding hearts” for “liberal” in this instance.

  52. DeAnn says:

    First of all this man knew HE has a drug problem and did not have a gun, but did the clerk? There are so many on here praising this man when he obivously knew he had issues BEFORE turning back to the drugs. Yes, for those of you who want to blame it on the drugs, I am very aware of what addiction is all about because I’ve watched my brother destroy his life over it. He would have been helped much quicker if people had stepped in to assist instead of overlooking it due to the drugs.

    The clerk is a great young man who was doing nothing more than trying to earn a living. How would you feel if you were at work and a stranger came in telling you he has a gun and took your money? Do you not think it would affect you? Thank God this child did not get hurt physically but what about emotionally? I cannot imagine the trauma!!

  53. Just get over it says:

    I can believe these conversations are still going on in Monticello. It is the us vs the them as it has always been and will be. Melvin committed a crime. He is a former criminal. Should have been using the church van? No! Should he have rob the store? No! Should he pay for his crime? Yes! What else is there to think or say? Why is this so difficult for everyone to see. Prison did not help before and it may not help this time but one thing is for sure: he must pay for his crime. What is so difficult about that? We are often blindsided by personal feelings and perspectives. Often we tend to overspecialize those we care for or know. On the other hand when we do not know a person we tend to want the worst for them. Let he courts decide what is best. The prisons are crowded but he may have to do some time. This is certainly a red flag to church leadership to be more careful who uses their vans.

  54. Christy Morphis says:

    Thank God this never happened to me when I was working the overnight shift and 9 months pregnant! I hope they send him to their treatment facility for a while before throwing him in the normal facilities because otherwise it will be a waste of time for him to come out with the same addiction and go right back to the same crimes. He definitely made the wrong choice but cocaine is a powerful drug that makes people do some really stupid stuff and those people need help just as much as they need the punishment so what does it hurt to accomplish both at the same time?

  55. just sayin says:

    Ok he gets 24 years for for robbery but we have had 2 dismissed trails in the past couple months. Of attemted rape and murder something seems wrong with that.

  56. D@rbe3 says:

    that is sad just trying to get money for drugs while playing the keyboard prolly getting150 or enen 200 a sunday

  57. Hello says:

    Each case has to be proven with out reasonable doubt his had no doubt

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