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Delta Memorial Swing Bed_B

Delta Memorial

Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

Monticello Realty

Monticello Realty

O’Fallon Vet

0'Fallon Vet

Secure Storage 2

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Commercial Bank

Dallas County Medical Center_B

Dallas County Medical Center'

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Pines Broadcasting Company

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Monticello Animal Clinic

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ESA Staffing 2


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One 11 Southern Graphics 1

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Delta Memorial Swing Bed_A

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Dallas County Medical Center_A

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One 11 Southern Graphics 2

ONE11 Southern Graphics

Archive for August, 2023

April DC School Threat Suspect Pleads Guilty- Gets 10 Years Probation

Friday, August 25th, 2023

Bennett, Jacob AndrewSchool threat gunJacob Andrew Bennett, a former Drew Central student, accepted a guilty plea to the charge of “threatening to commit an act of mass violence on school property”, earlier this week, in reference to the April Drew Central school threat, referenced below.

In earlier pre-trial court hearings, Bennett’s attorney described his social media postings about going “Columbine“ as a reference to a song or video games.

The 10 year probation sentence, as in all instances, could lead to prison time, if any other criminal activity or violations occur from the defendant. (more…)

County Trash Pick- up Set for Saturday

Friday, August 25th, 2023

Tow trash truck file photoMLive spoke with County Judge Griffin, Thursday afternoon, who wanted to emphasize that, due to circumstances beyond their control, the county sanitation department is down to one operational trash truck.

With that being said, Judge Griffin, suggests everyone leave their full trash cans at their normal pick up site, and trash crews will be running as much as possible, including routes on Saturday, to catch back up.

The county apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Road Hazard on 425 North

Thursday, August 24th, 2023

At 5:45 AM, this morning, a Drew County deputy pulled over a concrete truck, who was spilling part of his load on Highway 425 N., between Sonic and Walmart.

ARDOT has been notified and hopefully will be able to clean up the mess.

Please drive with caution, especially in this area.

We have been asked to point out that Select Concrete was not involved in the incident.


ARDOT cleanup took place prior to 8 AM.

Citizen’s Bank 1

Citizen's Bank

BCMC Family Care Clinic 1

Malco Theater 1

Farm Bureau

Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

UAM Trotter House B

UAM Trotter House

Union Bank 2

Immanuel Baptist Church

ESA Staffing

BCMC Family Care Clinic 2

Drew Farm

Burgess Process Service

Burgess Process Service

Baker’s Electrical

Baker's Supply

Quality Plus Dry Cleaners

Quality Plus Dry Cleaners

Malco Theater 2

Union Bank 1

La Terraza

Mullis Insurance

Sammy Mullis Insurance


Be A Weevil

Small Bites Pediatric Dentist

Farmer’s Insurance One

Citizen’s Bank 2

Citizen's Bank

Seark Motorsports

Seark Motorsports

Bone’s Auto Parts

Bone's Auto Parts


UAM Trotter House A

UAM Trotter House

A.J. Huffman Graphic Design

Frazer’s Funeral Home

Frazer's Funeral Home Warren

Depaul Community Health Centers

South Arkansas Business Solutions

Searcy & Associates 2

Searcy & Associates

AGUp Equipment