Rotary donates $3,000 to Feed the Kids.
September 23rd, 2016 by iPhone
Thursday, at its noon lunch meeting, Rotary Club of Monticello presented Drew County Feed the Kids a $3,000.00 check to support the after-school meal program for this year.
In a presentation given during the Rotarian weekly meeting, the group was given an update on the the program and its nearly 100 participates.
Feed the Kids is a 8 year old non-profit initiative that works with Drew County’s local school districts to supply meals for children who might not be receiving meals outside of the school day. School identified children attending Pre-K through Middle School have food placed in their backpacks, during breaks, on on Fridays to ensure they have food for the weekend in case their parents are unable to feed them. The names of families participating is limited to the school districts and kept confidential.
Each weekend children are given packs with 6 meals estimated to cost around $8. Rotary’s donation is expected to provide 2,250 meals for needy Drew County’s needy children.
In 2013, Monticello’s Rotary Club adopted Feed the Kids as its service project, pledging support and assist to the program.
Rotary Club of Monticello was founded in 1923, as part of Rotary International. The professional service club connects like minded leaders missioned to build friendships and create positive change in our communities.
Photo Caption:
Feed the Kids Vice-President Renee Holland accepts a $3,000 donation from Rotary President Virgina Ward & Vice-President Bonnie Hicks