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Monticello Nurses Resuscitate Collapsed Player at Watson Chapel

August 29th, 2014 by

NurseHelmetA Watson Chapel ninth-grade defensive end, Josh Pierce, lined up for a defensive play during the first quarter of the Monticello at Watson Chapel game, Thursday night, and then collapsed as he got into position for the play.

A med- tech was on the field, but was unable to handle the life-threatening situation.

Four medical staff members came out of the Monticello stands and began performing CPR on him reestablishing his heartbeat.

A Watson Chapel coach went to the fieldhouse to get the portable defibrillator, which our Monticello nurses used resuscitate the unresponsive athlete.

EASI ambulance transported him to JRMC, where he was later airlifted to Arkansas Children’s Hospital.

Lisa Adams was the first to reach the field, along with Angela Vereen (lives in Hot Springs and is a family member of a Monticello fan) and Meagan Boren, led by Ginger Jeffers, were all great examples of their medical profession, as well as the Monticello community.

The field was cleared by the players on both teams, while the Billies players had group prayer for their fallen opponent.

It was reported at the game, that he was in stable condition, and according to Watson Chapel School District, he was slowly responding to treatment in Arkansas Childrens Hospital, Friday morning.

Coach Kenny Pace described how you hear about events like this, but to see it happen 12 yards in front of you is unreal. Like everyone else present, Coach Pace expressed his tremendous appreciation for those nurses that saved this young man’s life.

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25 Responses to “Monticello Nurses Resuscitate Collapsed Player at Watson Chapel”

  1. Dallas DeWoody says:

    Prayers for this young man and his family. So very thankful those billies moms/ family members were there to help him and save his life! Hope that he will be alright!!! Prayers once again!!

  2. Martha Ryburn says:

    Prayers for this young man & his family.

  3. J. Poirrier says:

    Thank you Ladies for your awesome display of professionalism and compassion. There are probably no words to describe the gratitude from that young players family. God truly was on your team!

  4. Jen says:

    Way to go nurses!! An example of why I’m so proud my daughter is a nurse!! Good luck to the young man, prayers going up for him and his family.

  5. Fellow Monticello nurse says:

    Wonderful job ladies! Brought tears to my eyes,I am so proud of you all. God had you all there for this young man. Keep up the good work!

  6. Kay says:

    Nurses are special people. Thankfully they were there. Also, thankfully they had a defibrillator. I wish the Monticello Softball complex had one. The same thing could happen there. The player and his family are in my prayers.

  7. Jason says:

    Yes thank goodness that there was a nurse at the game to help the young man………BUT what happened to the ambulance service that is supposed to be at all the games????????????

  8. Pat Montgomery says:

    I am so proud of these ladies but I’m not surprised. They are that young man’s angels. Thanks for saving his life. My daughter is an RN and they are wonderful people!!! God Bless You!

  9. Shane Williams says:

    Thank GOD for the off duty nurses who were there and for the PRAYERS of the Monticello players. I, also pray that this young man gets well. :)

  10. Ruth says:

    Prayers for the young man and his family. So proud of the nurses from Monticello part of the staff I use to work with I still call the family

  11. Bryan Pierce says:

    This is Bryan Pierce, father of Josh Pierce the player your four God sent nurses saved on the field last night. I am forever greatful for the
    Four of you being there!

    Josh is doing much better today and hopefull he will be moved to a private room this evening.

    Thank each and everyone of you for you thoughts and prayers!

  12. Sandra Hatcher says:

    Great job ladies! There is NO doubt in my mind you saved this young man’s life last night! God placed you both there for more than one reason last night!

  13. Kelly says:

    Thank you for saving this child’s life!
    May The Lord bless you and keep you…

  14. Susan says:

    Yes thank you to the nurses that were there to help…as for the ambulance services, the high school only paid /asked for 1 emt or medic to be there, the medic that was there did everything he could to help, but when you have basic equipment and by yourself…you can only do so much. I would suggest that every parent needs to call thier schools and ask that a whole crew including a unit be present at every game….these are our children, they are our future. The EASI medic and the nurses did a great job in helping this young man. Change happens when enough people call and complain, if the schools are wise they will have a full crew there from now on.

  15. Tiffany Marshall says:

    Nurses ROCK!!

  16. Jeri Hobbs says:

    This made my heart happy!!! Prayers for everyone involved.

  17. Jeff H. Reinhart M.D. says:

    While I have never written a response before, I feel compelled to do so now. There are few times people have such an opportunity to make a difference as these courageous nurses so did. I work closely with two of the nurses involved. They were expedient in there response and decisive in their actions which resulted in a favorable outcome. Never have I felt so proud. You all deserve all the accolades you receive!

  18. Ginny says:

    Job well done ladies.. Prayers continue for the family.

  19. Melissa Brown says:

    Thank you so much to the nurses and other medical personnel, with out people like yall coming to the rescue, this could have been a tragic situation.

  20. Billie Mom says:

    Congratulations to the nurses who where able to assist the situation. We might have been opposite playing teams on the football field but we all became one in prayer. Again ladies a job “WELL DONE”..

  21. Arlene Russell says:

    Drew Memorial nurses rock! God has blessed our community!

  22. Pete Roop says:

    If the med-tech “was unable to handle the life threatening situation”, why was he even there?
    It’s a good thing the nurses were there.

  23. Tina Craig says:

    Josh and his family are good friends of my family. We are so thankful that God placed the nurses at the game. As one of the nurses said “it wasn’t the nurses, but God who saved Josh.” Her acknowledgment that God was always in control of the situation is such a blessing. Being wiling to be used by God and putting their training into practice will never be forgotten by Josh’s family and friends. My husband is a nurse and I’ve seen him spring into action when someone needed immediate medical attention. Josh is a great Christian young man and has been a blessing to our family and church for several years. I pray God will continue to heal him and thank God for sparing his life. God is good.

  24. jim searcy says:

    Our nurses in Monticello provide outstanding medical service on a daily basis. God Bless!


    I have a daughter in law who is a nurse and tow granddaughters currently attending UAM to become nurses. What a noble profession.

  25. Judy Howard says:

    Ladies you were and are one of GODS Angels that was there to help that young man I know the Family was deeply honored and glad you were there for their son my Prayers go out to him and his family and to our Nurses. (Lisa Adams)

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